1. Time change. It has come. I love this time. Regular, plain ol’ “time.” Not “Daylight Saving” or anything special. My children…are still adjusting. Caedmon will be fine in a week or so, but Honor…poor Honor.
In her short little life, she’s been through more time changes than any person should. She was born in CST during DST. Then she moved to EST. And then Fell Back. Then Sprung Forward. Then moved back to CST. And then Fell Back again. She’s teething. And it’s time to transition to one nap.
Can someone please just shoot me now and get it over with?
2. We are hosting “Mancation 2012: The Revenge” this weekend. I called it the Second Annual Mancation the other day, incorrectly. Please excuse me. It will be another glorious weekend of Husband and his friends hanging out and doing whatever it is they have planned to do. At our little townhouse. Thankfully, the kids and I have a fun place to hang out with friends during most of the weekend. And we’re sad Joel can’t join this year, but I suppose being a newlywed is a good enough excuse.
3. Due to the Mancation festivities this weekend, I have been and will be, baking. PW’s Cinnamon Rolls are done. Next comes Red Velvet Cake Balls and whatever else I can manage to get done before they arrive. My family might not eat actual cooked dinners this week, but we’ll have Cinnamon Rolls and Cake Balls to keep us warm. Or, if Caedmon has his way, corn dogs for every meal. He should get something out of Mancation, right?
4. Remember when I said I was giving up on boots and swore off trying to ever find a pair I liked? I lied. Twice, apparently. It happens every year. I see people in cute boots and I want to be cute in boots too. It just isn’t happening. Oh, I’ve found some that I like. In theory, anyway. But the $300 price tag does not like me.
So I ran away like a wild woman left the kids with Husband on Saturday and went shopping for some boots. How did it go? I bought two Hallmark ornaments (for a Christmas tree we don’t have). Zero boots. It’s a vicious cycle.
5. On said shopping trip, I saw a police dog sniffing a car for drugs in the Target parking lot. It was interesting, to say the least. And I don’t want to be all profile-y or anything, but if I’d had to pick one car out of the whole parking lot that I thought might have the possibility of having drugs in it, I’d have picked that one.
6. Speaking of Christmas (#4), I have a slight dilemma. We got rid of our giant Christmas tree before we moved. We’ve wanted a new tree for several years. Ours was so huge at the bottom that we’d have to push it up against the wall and only put the front half of the branches on. Anyway, I’m not sure if I want to go ahead and buy a new tree this year, or just manage without. Or get a real one this year. Or get a little one that we can later put in the hallway upstairs or something. I’ve always wanted a little white one. Maybe this year?
7. I purposely put all of our Christmas stuff in storage. I knew we wouldn’t have a place for it at the townhouse, and if we don’t have a tree, most of it isn’t useful. However, I forgot that we’ll still need our stockings. I can do without a tree. Not stockings. And I’m not entirely sure I can get to them without taking half the stuff out of the storage unit. I’ll have to go see if I can manage to squeeze through and/or climb over some things. If you don’t hear from me again and you’re watching Storage Wars Nashville in a few years and they find a dead body stuck in the middle of a bunch of boxes clinging to a tub of Christmas stockings in a storage unit, it’s me.
8. Who’s watching Duck Dynasty? Anyone? C’mon. If you’re not, you’re missing out. It’s quite possibly my favorite show on TV right now. There are so many quotable lines in each episode, I can’t keep up. I’ve decided I want to make myself a t-shirt with one of my favorite quotes from Si. I haven’t quite figured out how to make that happen yet, but I will. Sara and I end up texting each other every Wednesday night while we watch. And last night I texted her because something popped into my head when I heard Husband say a random phrase. It’s a sickness, really. A delightful sickness.
9. I need to do a whole “homeschool” update, but I just want to say that Caedmon is doing well. We did take some time off during the move, so getting back into the groove has been a little bit of a challenge for us both. And I have realized that we need to slow down on learning new sounds until he has a few of them a bit more solidified. So we sat together the other day and he read a lot of words in The Cat in The Hat. Today we’re taking on Red Fish, Blue Fish. I love Dr. Seuss.
10. Oh, and Honor? She’s doing great in “school” too. She loves to sit and play with puzzles (i.e. chew on the pieces and yell when they don’t fit immediately) and is starting to color a little bit too. Well, not actually “color”, but use a crayon to make random marks on a piece of paper. That she loves and adores. And demands it be put on the refrigerator.
I just wish she had an opinion about things, you know?
11. Bonus! I love this Cheetos commercial. It makes me laugh every single time.
“On your way.”

Duck Dynasty ROCKS! :O)
ReplyDeleteSI-isms are just instant classics.