(July 2012...the last time we were all in front of the camera at the same time.)
I'm a Christian, the wife of one man, the mom to one son and one daughter, wrangler of one dog, daughter of two, sister to six, and friend to many. I'm not really a superhero, but somebody around here has to leap tall loads of laundry in a single bound and be faster than a toddler with mischief on their mind.
I have way too many opinions for my own good, and am not shy about sharing them. These are my thoughts, musings, rants, and raves about the happenings at our house.
Still here? Really? Ok, here’s more.
I am a Stay-At-Home Mom, married to a Marine turned Baptist Minister turned Editor for a Christian Resources publisher. Husband and I were married in November 1998. Since we got married, we’ve lived in five different states, one of them twice. We’d been married almost nine years when our son was born (August 2007), and our daughter came along three and a half years later (April 2011).
Our son, Caedmon, starts Kindergarten this fall (2013), and we'll be homeschooling. Our daughter, Honor, is along for the ride. I can't wait to see what she learns by osmosis.
We have a Boston Terrier, Oz, who is kind of like a cat in a dog's body. He loves the kids, but sleeps about 22 hours a day and is happiest when burrowed under his favorite blanket. He also does not like thunderstorms. Or rain clouds. Or rain.
My blog has grown and changed a lot since I started it in 2005. The whole blogging thing was new and I had no idea what I was doing. Some days I’m still not sure I know what I’m doing.
My purpose here is to be real. I don’t believe in fake, whitewashed, and politically-correct. Despite what you see on TV or read in books, being a wife and Mom is not glamorous. And I’m not shy about telling it like it is – the good and the not-so-good.
But worth it? Absolutely. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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