1. Caedmon “read” to Honor the other day. She loves it when he pays attention to her.
2. For game day last week, Honor wore her hand-me-down Razorback onesie. Caedmon wore…undies.
3. Someone rolled over last week. One time. Probably on accident. She hasn’t done it since – nor has she showed any interest in trying again.
I still think Honor will sit up before she rolls over. She might even crawl before she rolls over, too. She’s been “helicoptering” in her bed, and I’ve found her on her knees and elbows a couple of times. I’m so not ready for that.
4. Caedmon…he’s a hot mess when it comes to photos these days.
5. Remember when I bought Honor’s Miss April outfit? She finally got to wear it this week. LOVE!
She’s quite slobbery these days.
And I must post a disclaimer stating that yes, I know her headband was pushing her ears forward. But every time I moved it, she would slunk down, pushing it forward again. (Yes, “slunk” is a word. At least it’s one that Dr. Seuss uses, so I figure I can too.)
6. The weather has been fabulous this week. I miss being able to run to the pool for an hour, but I love stepping outside and not feeling like I might spontaneously combust.
7. Caedmon and I did a purge in his room yesterday. When Husband and I first talked about it with him, he was afraid he would have to get rid of some special things he loved, like…everything. Once I explained the concept to him and let him think about it a few days, he was ready. And after we got started, I had to convince him to keep a few things that he plays with on a regular basis. The original plan was to donate some things, but the majority of what we were taking out (that we weren’t throwing away) is stuff that Honor can play with in the not-too-distant future. We’ll donate a few things, but Caedmon was all about putting things up for Honor to play with later.
He also enjoyed throwing stuff away. I told him that if it was broken or came from a kid’s meal, it was going. We ended up with a nice little pile to throw away. I was surprised at the number of fast-food toys we’ve accumulated in the recent past. I guess moving and having things unsettled for a while will do that for you.
I was not, however, successful at getting him to let go of any stuffed animals or the Hulk Hands. Probably not the last thing we’ll be at odds over.
8. I bought this cardi-type thing at H&M last week, and I’ve worn it twice already. I love it.
It was a total impulse buy, and one I will not regret. Even though it wasn’t on sale. *gasp*
9. After last year’s boot debacle, I said I was going to give up. And I may have fibbed. I just can’t give up the hunt for a good pair of boots. And once I find them, I will hold onto them forever. And ever.
10. Who has two thumbs and loves Pinterest? This girl. I’m making something for dinner tonight that I pinned the other day. Want to see what I’m pinning? Go for it!

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