I feel like I should be doing more than a weekend recap. But you might lose your mind. If I think back much further than the weekend, I know I might lose mine just because we’ve been so busy.
Honor did have her well check on Thursday, but I’m hoping to actually write a 12 month post for her, so I’ll include all those details there. She’s fine, by the way. Which I expected. It’s just always good to hear someone who went to school for a really long time agree with you.
Friday, I did some shopping for the thing we were having at our house on Sunday. (More on that later.) I went to three different grocery stores looking for a particular item. That was joyous.
While I was on that side of town, I stopped at the health food store and got some all-natural sunscreen. I have recently been reading about the chemicals in sunscreen and just couldn’t bear the thought of slathering that stuff all over my kids this summer. But I digress.
Resie came over during the afternoon to help me roll cake balls for Sunday. I finished them Friday night and my sweet husband let me sleep in on Saturday morning.
Y’all know how it works, right? You take your kid to the doctor on Thursday for a well check and they’re perfectly fine. On Friday, they wake up with snot, cough, and general crud. Then on Saturday, they’re fussy and clingy. At least, that’s how it works at our house.
While I went to lunch with some staff ladies, Husband managed a cranky, snotty little girl and a boy who probably had too much energy for his own good. And then he took care of the yard. Rock star.
Husband and I were both asleep by 10:30 Saturday night, which never happens. We were exhausted.
Sunday afternoon, we invited our LifeGroup leaders over for a little food and fellowship. I made Corn Dip and crockpot meatballs. We also had cookies and fruit. We had fun hanging out with the LifeGroup leaders and their families. And they each went home with a nice little box of Red Velvet Cake Balls. Caedmon was dying for there to be some leftover cake balls and couldn’t wait for everyone to leave so he could have a cake ball. Silly kid.
But he was so tired. So while Husband and I straightened up, we turned on a “factory show,” and he almost fell asleep on the couch while he was watching it. That’s a tired boy, y’all. I was right there with him. After the kids went to bed and we got the house cleaned up, I could hardly stay awake to watch Celebrity Apprentice.
This week, I’m hoping things get back to some semblance of normal. We haven’t been tracking well in that area lately, so we’ll see, I guess.

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