It’s hard sometimes to corral all the stuff you need for outside, no matter which season it is. I found that the best thing to do is to designate a spot for the “stuff” and switch it out according to the season.
The place I use is my PB knockoff bench in the laundry room. It’s accessible yet out of the way.
There’s currently a little more stuff piled here than I like. But look past that and go with me on this one. On the left, I have drinks and paper goods for our Wednesday night Bible Study (I use diaper boxes to store tons of stuff.) In the next two sections are my seasonal items.
The middle section holds our outside things that can’t be kept outside. Or shouldn’t be kept outside.
It’s out of the way, but easy for Caedmon to grab and go. In the winter, this is where I kept his snow boots, hats, mittens, and other clothes he wore out in the snow. I didn’t have to hunt all over the place for the stuff every time he wanted to go out.
The far right section hasn’t been transitioned over from winter yet. We always stockpile some bottled water, canned goods, etc. in the winter in case we get snow, snow, or snow and can’t get out or lose power. I keep that stuff out of the pantry for two reasons. One, there’s just not enough room. And two, we’d end up eating it and wouldn’t have it when we needed it. Thankfully we didn’t need much of it this winter, so I now have the task of either finding another place to keep it or using it up. Anyone want to come over for some tomato soup and/or Ramen noodles?
After the far right section is fully transitioned over to summer, it will hold beach towels and our swim bag that contains necessary items for the pool like sunscreen, swim diapers, etc. It’s so much easier when it’s a grab-and-go thing. I plan to show you my swim bag and its contents on another WFMW. Not that we’re swimming yet. It’s just April. But Caedmon is oh so ready!
The point is, have one central spot for all of your seasonal things you use on a regular basis. It will save you lots of time and frustration!
It works for me! Head on over to We Are THAT Family for more Works-For-Me-Wednesday!

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