To say we’ve been busy lately is true, but it also makes me sound like a broken record. And remember the other day when I said I had been a horrible picture-taker during July? The same is true even with my phone. But I did find a few fun things to share while I was going through my phone. So, here’s what we’ve been up to.
Some friends from home moved to our area and we met at the zoo to hang out together.
We also took the opportunity to introduce them to some yummy food.
Honor not only got a new baby, but a purse as well.
Caedmon attended VBS for the first time and had a blast. Staying true to the “I’m a complete slacker during July,” I forgot the big camera at home. He’s on the front row in the camo hat.
Yes, my child is one of two children who are wearing hats at their VBS performance. It wasn’t worth the fight.
Oz caught some rays.
I promise he’s not dead. He just enjoys the sunshine on his belly.
Inspired by Trump, I made one of PW’s Flat Apple Pies. It was delicious.
Honor got some new shoes. She loves them. I’m not sure who’s more excited about her getting to wear them – her or me! Taking that girl shoe shopping was an adventure, to say the least.
After a long week, we decided to let Caedmon stay up late to watch the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. We didn’t get started until 9pm or so, and this is what he thought of the whole thing.
Y’all know it has to be bad if my child fell asleep. He got to see a little of the parade of nations before he nodded off. The games have been much more interesting.
We (gladly) sat in line for some Freedom of Speech chicken.
We tried on our outfits (that I selected months ago) for family photos. I adore Honor’s.
And when I tried my dress on? Found this.
Yes, that’s a cut. Or rip. In the front of a brand new dress. That I bought months ago and can’t return. So mild panic ensued and after talks about how/if it could be repaired, Husband told me to go shopping. I’d been looking for months for something to wear instead (because I’m not a “dress girl”) and hadn’t found anything just right. Last night I found it. I did have to have the guy in the store take the item off a mannequin, but I am not above that. Because pictures are this weekend and I didn’t have time to mess around.
Yesterday afternoon, we played outside. I love that these two love each other and play together so well – most of the time.
And last night, I got to go on a Starbucks date with Husband. It’s amazing how you can solve the problems of the world over coffee (or white hot chocolate in my case).
This weekend holds some family time, more Olympics, and family pictures. Which should probably be an Olympic sport in itself. I hope our photographer is in shape!

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