Christmas morning, husband and I awoke to the quiet sounds of a little boy playing in the living room. He’d gotten up, found the train tracks, and dove right in. I woke Husband and we quickly made ourselves presentable (because, um, pictures!) and went out to help/watch Caedmon enjoy his train.
Our plan (which turned out really well, I must say) was to let Caedmon play with his train set while I got breakfast ready.
I made a breakfast casserole and we broke out the cinnamon rolls the sisters and I made a couple of weeks ago.
I don’t think I even need to tell you how good those cinnamon rolls were.
After breakfast, we started with stockings.
Oz has a bone-shaped stocking, thanks to Nana. He was ready to break into it!
It took Caedmon a minute to realize there was more than one thing in his stocking, and he had to keep going until it was all empty.
Baby Sister got this in her stocking. If you can’t read it, it says “Miss April” and has matching pants. (I bought it at the boutique store the day before. I couldn’t help it!)
And when the stocking were done, the present extravaganza began.
Caedmon tested everything thoroughly.
Did I mention we woke up to this?
And Caedmon didn’t even have fever. He did, however, wake up with his eye infection trying to come back. I’m not sure that counts, though.
We hung around and ate leftovers. After the whirlwind of the past few days, sitting on the couch watching the Disney parade while Caedmon experienced “present ADD” was kind of nice.
That afternoon, Caedmon and I headed to Mom & Dad’s.
Caedmon and Uncle HLB compared their new house shoes.
Mom wanted a “cousin picture” and asked Caedmon to hang onto Q. This is the best it got.
I think Trump caught the whole Christmas extravaganza on her new video camera.
We each got our stockings. I wonder if Squirt got gloves in hers?
The little guys made their way around the living room, helping everyone with their stuff.
Then HLB and Caedmon had to compare toothbrushes from their stockings.
And finally, the presents! Caedmon got lots of things that go “vroom!” And he loves them all.
Cousin Q used the stack of presents as a climbing toy.
You know you’re in a redneck family when someone gets an ice chest for Christmas. And they’re excited about it. Ha!
I drew HLB’s name this year. With a $25 limit, there’s nothing I could buy the man that he doesn’t already have. Everything he wants has a bigger price tag. So I made him a collage of photos of he and Caedmon from the past year. And he smiled. I think he liked it.
Caedmon had to learn that at Cini and Papa Duke’s, the box you open isn’t necessarily indicative of what’s in the box. There must be some boxes that have been opened every year for the last 20 years.
A lamp?! (Which he was actually kind of excited about, strangely enough.)
No. Indoor balls for the T-ball set!
When the big boys were done opening their gifts, they helped Caedmon break into and play with his.
The night wouldn’t have been complete without some Rock Band.
They switched it up a bit, and Caedmon broke out his Paper Jamz.
And then he helped Uncle Grade A play for a while.
We headed home Christmas night having had lots of family fun with a tired little boy who actually fell asleep in the car.
It was a great Christmas. I hope yours was too!

Looks like some great times. That breakfast casserole looks yummy. (So do the cinnamon rolls but I really think that goes without saying.)