I promised more details about Caedmon’s room, and here they are. (For full room pictures, go here.)
We’ve instituted a new “thing” at our house. Still & Quiet Time. For right before bedtime when it’s time to chillax and wind down or when Caedmon needs to spend some extra time just being STILL and QUIET. I decided to put a tub of quiet books/toys next to his bed. So far, it’s working well.
This is the artwork Caedmon painted for his walls. I had originally planned to hang the handprint with his scripture canvas next to his bed, but there wasn’t room. So I punted and hung it here.
Here is the scripture canvas I made for Caedmon. I wanted to personalize it, so I put his name in the scripture where it was appropriate. It hangs over his night stand right next to his bed.
This is his shelf/cube/whatever you want to call it. I love that all of his books fit on the top row with room to spare. The cubes hold a lot more than you’d think, and almost all of his toys are contained in this thing.
I made tags for each cube so we’d know what goes where. I used the same concept as when I made his tub labels last time, but this time I used self-laminating luggage tags and put a picture on both sides.
I found this rug at Target, and fell in love with it because it matched the comforter I’d found. I was surprised it coordinated so well and bought it, not exactly sure I was going to use it. When I decided to hold off on the comforter for now, I knew I needed something to tie everything together. So here it is. I love it in the room and I’m glad I decided to go ahead and use it.
And the biggie…the wall art I’ve been working on for a sweet forever. Caedmon’s name means “Wise Warrior,” so that’s why those words are the largest. The rest are character qualities we’d like for him to develop. I left one off and need to add it, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen any time soon. I still need to touch up a couple of words and seal it. But as I busted my rear to get it to this point for the room, I don’t know how soon that will happen.
I do love it, though. It’s probably my favorite part of his new room because I know it will grow with him and (hopefully) will be something that stays with him for a very long time.

Hey, Caedmon! I LOVE your Big Boy Room.