Happy Father’s Day to Husband, my Dad, and Poppy! You are all men willing to sacrifice for your families and teach your children the important things in life.
Remember when Caedmon & I went to the University to take pictures? We snuck in a little side-shoot for Father’s Day.
A quick change on the lawn and we were ready for some SuperDad photos.
Getting his motivation.
Posing, saying, “Super Dad!”
And we went to the comic book store Husband frequents and took Caedmon’s photos by the Marvel comics. Captain America is Husband’s favorite. I even bought a miniature Captain America for Caedmon while we were there. I was afraid we’d be busted, but I think we successfully played it off, since we’d also been to Walmart that day and we were truthfully able to say we’d gotten it “at the store.”
My plan had been to sneak into Husband’s office on Friday or Saturday and leave them so he’d find them on Sunday morning. But that didn’t exactly happen. So we gave them to him on Saturday, along with what he called the Father’s Day gift 4 the ages…The Karate Kid movies. He and Caedmon watched them together and practiced some karate in the living room. I also grilled steaks for dinner.
Today we are celebrating with our entire family over at Mimi & Papa’s. There will be more eating. And maybe some more karate. With my family, you never know.

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