1. I know. It’s been a while. I really hate not blogging often. But sometimes, there’s just no way I can make everything happen.
2. I’ve already started Christmas shopping. I like to start early, especially if I know what I want to get. I do hate missing deals though, so I found a website to help with that. I signed up with ZingSale. It’s free, and it sends me an email when things on my list go on sale on Amazon. I was able to get one of Honor’s gifts for about $10 under retail. How can you not love that?
3. Yes, I realize we have to get through Thanksgiving first. And I don’t mean that like it’s a drudgery. But it just seems like there’s so little time between the two. My plan is to decorate over the next couple of weeks, but we’ll wait until after Thanksgiving for our tree since we’re planning to get a real tree this year.
4. Decorating for Christmas. We actually get to do it this year. Last year, everything was in storage and we dug out just a few things. But this year, it’s all going to be unpacked. I even bought a little pre-lit tree to go in the upstairs hallway for the kids. I want to get some unbreakable ornaments for it, so my plan is to take the kids to pick some out this coming week.
5. I finally made and ordered a photo book from our Disney trip. I narrowed our photos down to about 240, then put almost all of them in the book. It was both lots of fun and a terrible challenge to get them all in there and not spend a small fortune, even with a discount code. I sure hope we like it!
6. We had our family photos taken a few weeks ago. I can’t wait to see them all edited and share them.
7. So, you know how I’ve never been able to find just the right pair of boots? I think I found some. And I say that because I’ve bought them, but I’m not 100% sure I’m not returning them. 99% sure, but that 1% of doubt just kills me. I need to put them on and walk outside so I can’t return them, I suppose.
8. Honor isn’t sleeping well these days. Who am I kidding, she hasn’t slept well since she was 16 months old. But since we started potty training, it’s been worse. Some nights, she’s up once. Others, it’s 3 or more times. Craziness. And it makes for a tired Momma and little girl. Which as lead to her falling asleep randomly during her room time. And that doesn’t end well for anyone. It’s time for this to end.
9. I just got a good start on cleaning the junk up in our bedroom. And then, I started Christmas shopping and have almost immediately created piles of stuff again. Thankfully, the kids have no idea their gifts are in that pile of stuff. I’m past being weary of it, though. I just don’t have anywhere else to put it.
10. Flannel sheets - they’re on the bed. And they’re so nice. Especially since we officially have a teeny, tiny little chance of frosty flakes next week. Yes, in November. In Tennessee. You’ll understand my skepticism. So I suppose we’ll see what happens. The kids would love it, for sure. Who am I kidding, I would too.

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