15 years ago today, I stood before God, my family (that wasn’t at the opening day of gun deer season), and my friends (that weren’t at the Arkansas/Tennessee game) and said, “I do” to a very special man.
15 years hasn’t been all fun and games – some times have been easier (and more fun) than others. But he’s stuck with me anyway. We’ve grown together…and grown up together. We’ve had a lot of different addresses over the years, but home has always been wherever we were together.
He surprised me with a fabulous gift – he always does. A book. One that he wrote himself.
It’s a series of letters, written to me, about when he knew he loved me, some of our favorite things, how we’ve always been friends and not just spouses, lessons he’s learned, our kids, and promises for the future.
He even had the kids “sign” their chapters in the book.
It’s the most awesome gift I’ve ever received. Because it’s from his heart. For me. It’s not something new, really – him giving me something from his heart. He’s really good at that. But he continues to amaze and surprise me. My love for him grows, as does his love for me.
Best 15 years ever.

um, I LOVE this! How sweet!!!! Where did he have it "published"?