I figured it was time for a garden update! (And bonus points to you if you know what movie “We’ve Got Worms” comes from. I posted it on Twitter and Facebook yesterday and no one replied. Not one person. It’s a sad, sad day we live in.)
I think we’re managing ok for having no clue what we’re doing! We’ve had such a wet, cool month that I wasn’t sure if the cucumbers and zucchini were going to make it. They turned really yellow, but with the warmer days recently, they’ve seemed to perk up and start growing.
I’ve put the soaker hose in, but due to the relatively wet conditions, I haven’t even used it yet.
Remember when I talked about buying some worms? Yesterday, the kids and I stopped at a gas station to buy a newspaper. There was a sign on the door that said “Live Bait,” and I asked the attendant where to find it. She had no idea what I was talking about at first. And then I barely understood her response, but finally deciphered that the worms are kept in the beer cooler. I found that interesting.
We went home with two containers of worms. At first, Caedmon was not even sure he wanted to carry the containers. But by the time we got home, he was ready to get them out and put them in the garden.
There was no time to even change clothes. We went straight to worm-release mode. It was great weather for it – warm, but overcast and humid. Perfect worm-release weather. Right? I mean, come on. These worms were destined for fish hooks and now they get to live wild and free in our garden. PETA should be proud of us. At least for a few minutes.
They were admiring the worms while we let them warm up a little.
Caedmon was ready to get his hands dirty, but Honor was not about to touch them.
She wanted to hold the bowl, though.
Honor finally decided she would try to touch one. I thought she was going to end up kissing them before it was all over.
After we got each worm warmed up enough, we released them into the garden. Run (or inch forward slowly) free, little worms!
Caedmon was very specific about where certain worms went. He even named a few of them. All I have to say is that “Mr. Garden” and his buddies had better do their job.
I know it’s still early, but we do have a few things going.
Our first jalapeno.
We have two tomatoes on this plant, and one on the other.
The strawberries are tiny and weird. But hopefully we’ll at least get a few.
And the cucumbers and zucchini, as I mentioned, are looking much better. Even blooming. (Cucumbers are at the bottom, zucchini on the right behind them.)
The kids are checking on the garden every day. It’s all I can do to keep them from pulling off what’s already growing. They’re just too excited. Honor pets the plants, and Caedmon is going to end up pulling something off one day soon. But they love the garden and have fun with it. So I guess we can handle a little mangled produce here and there.
I am going to have to figure out a solution for bugs, though. They’re just getting started, but I don’t want to let them get out of control. I’ll be browsing Pinterest over the next few days to find a solution, hopefully! I’ll update again when I test it out.
Until then, happy growing in your own gardens! And let’s hope Mr. Garden (worm) and his buddies are up for the challenge of our garden!

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