I suppose it’s officially unofficialy summer.
Everyone’s been posting their last day of school pictures. And I guess I should take one of Caedmon. We kind of coasted to the “end” of the school year. I say it that way because we kind of slacked off several weeks ago, but we’re still going. And probably will throughout the summer. I’m not really sure it’s a good idea to introduce Caedmon to the whole idea of “summer vacation” just yet. He already has a hard time with weekends – remembering that for two days he doesn’t have to do school work. Then starting back on Monday after two days off brings much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Honestly, that has more to do with the fact that he has to do his school work before he is allowed any electronic games than the fact that he actually has to do school work. He doesn’t mind the work, and even enjoys some of it.
But, summer it is. We broke out the orange push-up pops last week. It was Honor’s first time for one. She is not a huge fan of super cold stuff, so she had a hard time with it at first. But she enjoys the idea of it.
Caedmon is an old pro at these things. And he’s not bothered by the cold.
I mean, who would be bothered by cold in that sweet getup he’s wearing? Mismatched pajamas at 4 in the afternoon FTW!
I know she looks cute, but I think it’s important to note that after Honor finished her push-up, she needed to be hosed down. As did the patio and play equipment.
We’re easing into potty training with Honor, too. I’d said I wanted to wait until summer, and here it is. Can I change my mind and decide to wait until fall? She’s kind of ready. But I’m not sure she’s 100% ready yet. I know I’m not – there’s no question about that. She’s had some success on the potty a few random times, and she likes the idea of it.
But she’s not “driven” about it. And if there’s something we know about this kid, it’s that she’s not going to do something until she’s good and ready (hello, not rolling over until 9 months old).
I did take her to the store with me the other day to buy undies. I didn’t tell her we were going to buy them, but when we stopped on that aisle, she immediately announced, “I want Minnie Mouse!” So, we came home with a bag of M&Ms, a package of Minnie Mouse & Daisy Duck undies, and a package of Disney Princess undies. It was all I could do to keep them packaged until we checked out. And I let her hold them on her way home. Which meant that by the time we got home, there were tiny little undies all over the back of the car.
Honor spent the rest of the day carrying those undies around the house. Not in packages. Or in a box or tote bag. In her arms. She was completely enamored with them. They went upstairs and downstairs. They watched cartoons with her. They almost took a nap with her. And the next day? It’s like they didn’t even exist.
I think we’re safe to wait a little bit longer before we start training in earnest. See how I just did that? Boom.
Yesterday, we made our first trip to the pool. The weather was nice, but the water was freezing. I don’t know how the kids stood it. I certainly didn’t want to get in. We played for about an hour, at which point I made them pack-up and go home. They didn’t want to. But when Caedmon’s teeth were chattering so violently his whole body was shaking, I think it was time to call it. He whined because he didn’t want to go home, then begged for a hot shower and “something warm to eat” as soon as we got home. The boy was cold. After they got sufficiently warm and fed, both kids spent the rest of the day begging to play in the water. Apparently they need some work on their short-term memories.
Thankfully, today, we’ve been invited to a friend’s house to swim. Their pool is heated. That means I might even want to get in.

Aww...so cute.
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