I know I’m a bit behind, but I can’t skip Christmas! We had a great Christmas. And the days leading up to it were fun, too!
We decorated cookies.
Well, Caedmon and I decorated cookies. Honor pretty much just free based sprinkles. And dropped them on the floor for Oz. We were all on a sugar high by the time we finished.
One of Caedmon’s masterpieces.
Nana and Poppy came to visit for Christmas. It’s been a whole year since Honor saw Poppy, but she made herself right at home in his lap.
Oz even got a little special Christmas treatment –he got to lay on the couch and watch TV with Husband.
We opened presents from family members on Christmas Eve. These two were excited. Well, Caedmon was. Honor had no idea what was coming.
We were beyond blessed by the generosity of our family. The kids were ecstatic about their gifts, and we all had a great time.
Later, while Husband and Nana read to Honor,
Caedmon and Poppy played Connect 4.
We went to the Christmas Eve service at church, where Caedmon got to hold a real candle. A lit one. With real fire. That drips wax. I’ll let you go ahead and picture that in your head and understand why I don’t have any pictures, as I was on fire patrol.
We had our big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. It wasn’t originally planned that way, but a storm was going to cut Nana and Poppy’s visit short, and we didn’t want to miss all the eating!
After the kids went to bed and we were sure Caedmon was asleep, the Christmas gift assembly began.
We divided it up. Husband put together the trucks, I put together the buildings. I really did enjoy the assembly of the fire station. Brought back memories of when I got a LEGO police station for Christmas and spent the evening putting it together in Mimi’s bathroom. (She had a big bathroom. And the little kids could be locked out.)
Two hours later, it was all ready to go under the tree, complete with a book about the fire station.
And yes, I’m fully aware that we probably committed a huge faux pas by putting Caedmon’s LEGOS together for him. However, he’s not quite ready to put together something on that scale yet. And in order to get to, you know, play with it, it has to be put together. Who wants to get a gift under the tree that it will be 5 hours before you can play with it? Because though it took Husband and me 2 hours to put together, it would’ve taken at least 5 to put it together with “extra help”.
I put one of Honor’s babies in the stroller we got for her. She didn’t care, I promise. She loves that baby (Thanks, Jill & Brandon!).
Oz had some curiosity issues with all the stuff. He was a teensy bit obsessed with photo bombs during the Christmas holiday. It became comical at some point. But seriously Oz, move!
Christmas morning finally came, and Husband kept the kids upstairs while I positioned myself with the camera. I thought I had my shutter speed fast enough. Apparently, I did not.
Because the boy? He was excited.
Oh, and Honor? She saw that stroller and she was off!
She had no interest in other gifts. None. Caedmon ended up “helping” her open things, and if she could carry it, she took it and sat in the stroller with it.
We had to say goodbye to Nana and Poppy so they could get home before the snow storm hit (their house). We were glad to get to spend time with them, and sad they had to leave early.
At lunch, Husband read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and we had some Happy Birthday Jesus cake.
Still in our pajamas, of course.
I’m glad Jesus likes to share. These kiddos devoured that cake.
We spent the rest of the day playing with toys, enjoying each other’s company, and taking Christmas naps. There’s something special about holiday naps, you know?
The day after Christmas, it was time for the real tree to go. It was getting a little crispy. But it couldn’t go before Caedmon said his goodbyes. Yes, he hugged the tree.
Honor helped put things away. She loves to close things.
By the end of the day, all that was left were “hooks and some wire”.
But? We had snow. Real snow. That was the best day-after-Christmas present ever.
It didn’t accumulate, but it was nice to just watch it fall. After a winter with no real cold weather, much less snow, last year, I loved it.
We had a great Christmas. And now it’s 2013 and time to get back to our normal…whatever that is.

Look at how big Honor is! Looks like y'all had a wonderful Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jodi! We did have a great Christmas! I put y'all's Christmas card in the kids' photo book and Honor loves looking at it. Thanks for sending it!