Monday, June 11, 2012

Kid-Cation, Part 3

If you missed any of our Kid-Cation, you can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

We continued our fun with Church on Sunday morning. It was great to see lots of friends and visit some of our favorite spots. (Caedmon asked to go to the Control Room – something we did every week. Of course, he was really looking for a donut.)

That afternoon, we enjoyed some swimming. It was only the second time Caedmon’s been in the pool this year, but I think he remembers what to do, don’t you?


Honor got in, too. She loves the water.


What would pool time at Cini’s be without some water wrestling with Uncle NLB?


After they were worn out, Caedmon watched some TV with Aunt Fidget.


Sunday was a great day to relax and enjoy time with our family.

Monday morning, Papa Duke and Honor got down to some Lego building.


We sent Squirt back to her summer job.


Met up with the cousins for some photos (You’ve seen some, but there are still more to come!), then went back to Mom & Dad’s to play. These two little girls finally found someone they could chase that they could keep up with. (Those brothers of theirs are just too fast!)


We had a visit from our “other brother”. And he was promptly assaulted with water guns. Coe is such a good sport!


We also roasted hot dogs and made s’mores.


And the boys put their Aunt Fidget to work, pulling them on the tricycle.


Busy and fun few days of our trip. But that’s not all we did!

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