Saturday, we hung around the house and welcomed Squirt home from her summer internship (just for a few days). Of course, the guys had to hover around her truck and make sure everything checked out ok.
Honor figured out how to get her Papa Duke to take her places. She was in heaven.
Caedmon had a blast with Levi, and they got Squirt in on the fun.
Jill came out to see us, and we were so happy to see her! Caedmon took a great picture of Jill and me.
Caedmon was happy to see Jill, even if he didn’t want to sit still and visit very long.
And Honor loved playing with Jill’s watch. She made a friend for life with that thing!
One of the highlights of our trip was Trump’s graduation party. But first, we had to say Happy Birthday to the little girls. It was Cousin E’s birthday! So she and Honor celebrated their birthdays before we kicked off Trump’s party.
We thought it would be fun. E didn’t quite share that sentiment.
Honor was slightly indifferent.
It was a nice try. We had fun taking pictures, anyway.
Then it was time to get down to business. We were there to celebrate Trump graduating from college…finally.
Trump was serious about celebrating, too. She had a bouncy castle. A princess bouncy castle.
The boys didn’t care that it was a princess bouncy castle. They had a blast.
Trump took the kids to visit her bunny. Caedmon has been waiting to hold this bunny since Trump got him at Easter!
Cousin Q wanted to hold the bunny, too!
Mom made sure Honor was part of the action.
She wanted to see the bunny, too.
That poor bunny. He’s a trooper. More than once we pulled the kids away for a little while so he wouldn’t die of a heart attack. I’m happy to say he made it through the weekend, so if he dies now, we know it’s not our fault.
Also? I’d just like it known that I was endeavoring to get a sweet picture of Honor and her Aunt, while our “other sister” was back there photo bombing.
No, I’m not surprised. At all. We did manage to get a picture of the kids with Trump, though.
The rest of the evening was filled with good, old fashioned fun. Hula hoops.
Fidget throwing Squirt’s shoe on top of the house, and Squirt having to go get it.
Cooking and eating.
And talking.
And cake.
The cake says, “It’s about dang time…one class at a time!” Trump graduated with her Animal Science degree while working, getting married, and working some more. She also managed to finish with no debt (for anybody!). We’re quite proud of her!

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