Tuesday, June 12, 2012


As promised, here are more of the pictures we took with the cousins.

We started with the boys. They didn’t sit still for long.

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But I did manage to get Q by himself.

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And then we let the boys go play with Deputy Guy while Curly, Trump, and I wrangled the little girls.

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Aren’t they the sweetest little things?

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A sweet man at our church hand-made this rocking chair for our family when Curly and I were little. It’s seen a lot of wear and tear over the years, but it’s held up well and it was super sweet to be able to photograph our girls with this chair. Honor was a little partial to it.

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Cousin E is off exploring, and Honor wasn’t willing to leave the chair behind.

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Also? E looks just like her Momma!

We did manage to get a few shots of everyone together.

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They all sat still for a few seconds.

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But it didn’t last long.

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I’m just glad they love each other.

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Cousins are special.

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