It’s fall. But I’ve never been a fan of carving pumpkins. Sure, it’s fun, but it starts and ends all…gross. So we paint them instead.
Caedmon chose a pumpkin at the grocery store this week, and my plan was to paint it later in the week. But he was so excited about the whole thing, we just had to go ahead and paint the pumpkins.
Caedmon chose his colors and we got started. He painted the green, then had to wait for it to dry.
It took so long. We even went outside to help it dry faster.
And then it was the blue.
He was proud of his art.
Honor had some painting to do, too. So when she got up from her nap, I did my best to put her footprint and handprint on her pumpkin. I am definitely not practiced at the hand/foot prints, but I adore these little paint-covered toes.
I added their initials to the pumpkins, and I think they turned out great.
Once they were dry, I put them on the kitchen table.
Caedmon had to take a picture of the pumpkins…
I think it’s safe to say that the pumpkin painting was a success. And they’ll be enjoyed. Without the grossness of pumpkin guts.

what a cute idea! i think we're going to do the same today :) love the idea of adding initials and the hand/footprint!