Caedmon’s first soccer game (and thus ours) was on Saturday.
Honor was all dolled up and ready to cheer for her big brother.
Caedmon was all geared up and ready to play.
(I mentioned on Twitter the other day that buying him a pair of Umbro shorts brought back flashbacks from the 1990’s. I had a pair just like those – larger, of course. They totally had the legit rip in the side, too. I still can’t believe I got rid of them.)
It was a beautiful day – sunny with temperatures in the 60’s. Husband and I went dressed in shorts (him), jeans (me) and t-shirts. We got there and found most other people were wearing long sleeves and jackets. Even some of the kids were wearing long sleeves under their uniforms. We were surprised – it felt nice to us!
Caedmon warmed up a little before practice started.
“Soccer stance” with Coach D. (Caedmon’s on the left.)
Honor was a great little cheerleader, even if the wind did mess her hair up.
One of approximately 873 water breaks. (We’re representin’ with the Razorback water bottle.)
I didn’t get a shot of one of Caedmon’s teammates, who spent the entire hour crying on the sidelines. Apparently he doesn’t handle the pressure of gameday very well.
I could show you many more pictures of what a four-year-old soccer game looks like, but the video is probably a better representation. Also, please excuse my loud yelling. I’m well on my way to becoming “That Mom.”
Here’s a happy, tired boy.
When we asked if he was looking forward to next week’s game, Caedmon seemed surprised and had to think about it for a minute. He didn’t realize he gets to play again!

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