Update from Tuesday…apparently Caedmon had some sort of weirdo virus that’s going around right now that entails fever that comes & goes for 3-5 days, congestion and sore throat. He hasn’t had any more fever since during the night Monday night, so I’m guessing we’re over it. I’m hoping, anyway.
Yesterday was the start of our local rodeo. My family’s been involved in the rodeo for a while…and Caedmon went to the rodeo before he was born, the year Trump took the Queen title. (Mom has pictures of me somewhere, big pregnant and sweating to death at the rodeo. I’m not going to look for those – she can have that job. I’m going to pretend I don’t have them.)
I’ve never taken Caedmon to the parade though, because, well, he would be bored to tears. But this year Trump is lending her horse to and tacking for one of the Queen contestants, and she asked us to come up and hang with her before the parade.
Here’s Caedmon helping Trump put Pepsi’s bell boots on before the parade.
We had a great spot at the parade – right at the front. It wasn’t crowded, so we could pretty much do whatever we wanted. It was pretty nice.
Self-portrait at the start of the parade. Caedmon was loving the flashing lights on the police cars.
Trump and Caedmon watching the parade. (Those are the Pick-Up Men.)
Waving to Aunt Squirt and Papa Duke.
A better shot of Squirt and Dad. (Squirt is on the left, wearing her OGRC Queen getup, and Dad is second from the right, wearing the white shirt, holding the blue flag.)
Checking out the Mutton Bustin’ sheep.
Taking a good look at the bucking horses and bulls.
Meeting Rolex, a horse that is probably worth more than my house. He belongs to the rodeo announcer, Boyd Polhamus, who is pretty famous in the rodeo world. And? He has a really cool announcer voice.
It was time Caedmon learned the time-honored tradition of putting a piece of ice down the back of someone’s shirt. Trump took it upon herself to teach him, and Mom obliged with a good show.
Caedmon absolutely loved it and kept saying, “Again!”
That’s all of our rodeoing for now. We might make it back up there before it ends on Saturday, and we might not. Today, we are staying home and spending the day doing some chores and regrouping before the rest of the week and busy weekend. Caedmon didn’t get a nap yesterday, and we are probably both in need of one today. Serenity now!

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