We’re back. Not that we really went anywhere, but my goodness, we had a busy week last week. Nana and Poppy came to visit on Sunday and stayed until Thursday. We jam-packed as much as possible into those four days. And I think I’m still recovering.
Sunday was Fireworks at the Crosses. And no, there are no decent photos, just as I suspected. Caedmon loved the fireworks, though. At least he did for about 10 minutes. Then he was over it and wiggling so he wouldn’t fall asleep. For a boy who’s normally in bed before 8:00 every night, staying up to see a fireworks show that didn’t start until almost 9:30 was a stretch. I just knew he’d fall asleep in the car on the way home. But no. He was up until almost 11pm and woke up bright and early on Monday morning. Where can I send the memo that you sleep in after you stay up late? Because he hasn’t figured that one out yet.
Monday we hung out around the house, got groceries, and just kind of piddled. The boys played in the back yard on the slip n’ slide. Caedmon still can’t slide all the way to the end, so he ends up crawling the rest of the way or having Husband push him on a kick board.
Tuesday we got up and drove the hour and a half to White Water. In the rain. We’d been watching the weather for days and we knew there was rain in the forecast. We just didn’t realize it would all be in the morning. The water park was delayed in its opening for a couple of hours, so we went to the outlet mall and did some shopping. We finally made it to the park and the boy…well, he was in heaven.
I think he was a little impatient at this point. He was ready to GO! Again!
I don’t think he sat still at all while we were there. Not even while we were eating lunch. But he was more adventurous this time and went on a few more rides than last time. He also swam the Lazy River. Literally. He did not want to float in a tube. He did not want to ride in my lap. He did not want to be held, Sam I Am. He wanted to swim. So swim he did. After four hours, the rest of us were worn out. He was still going strong. But we finally left and he slept for just a little while on the way home.
Wednesday we took Caedmon to his first movie at a theater. Toy Story 3.
In case you weren’t aware how obsessed Caedmon is with Toy Story, thanks to Husband, I now have to put Woody to bed every night along with Caedmon. Woody has his own blanket. I also have to give Woody a goodnight kiss and hug. And tell him, just like Caedmon, that he’s used the potty for the last time and doesn’t need to be goofing around.
We’re pulling into the parking lot.
The poster! It’s the poster!
Ticket in hand, and in we went.
Caedmon did well in the theater. He got bored with all the “commercials” and was very ready to see the movie by the time it started. We only took 2 potty trips during the movie. The first one was legit. The 2nd was a) to go back to look at the bathroom because he’s discovered that public bathrooms are cool; and b) he was so tired, he was afraid to be still for too long.
And I have to admit, I cried just a little. It was sad to see Andy grow up. I’ve sort of grown up with him, in a way. Toy Story was the first movie Husband and I watched together. We’ve come a long way since we sat in my living room with a bunch of college students and watched one of Pixar’s first films. I’m glad we can share Toy Story with Caedmon.
Tired yet? There’s more…tomorrow.

I want to go to the water park with C. And take him to go see Despicable Me.