Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Post-Criket Post

This is the first time I've had a chance to update you since last week when Criket went to Texas. She and Husband made the trip down without a problem, even with all the winter weather we were having here. And of course, most of the snow was gone before Husband made it back the next day, but not before he ate at Rudy's (yes, I was insanely jealous). Anyway, Tina called on Friday to let me know Criket was right at home at the kennel (where Tina works). She'd been up in everyone's lap, giving kisses and getting lots of hugs and pats in return. Tina assured me she would have no problem finding an excellent home for such a sweet dog, and would make sure she found the perfect one before letting her go.

It's strange - even with Argus and Chickster to keep me busy during the day, the first several days without Criket seemed very lonely. Although I do have to admit it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Argus has become a bit more bold with Chickster - I guess he's not afraid to get close to him now. He's mastered the art of getting close enough to sniff, yet staying out of Chickster's reach. That won't last long. And Chickster is completely enamored with Argus. He watches him all the time and reaches out for him when he gets close. Hopefully the two will be good buddies - or at least be tolerant of each other.

Chickster is growing fast. He's rolling over some now, spending more time on his tummy, learning to play by himself in the Pack n Play, and is now reaching for you when you go to pick him up, along with lots of other things he thinks he needs his hands on. My cell phone, for instance. I was sending a text the other day, and noticed he was reaching for the phone. And I've been trying to hold him off on starting solids as long as possible, wanting to hit the 6 month mark. I don't think we'll make it. He's moved from just staring at you while you eat to mimicing you when you chew. Yep, he's ready. So look for those pictures soon.

Meanwhile, here are a few recent pics....

My new favorite thing - the tray for the Bumbo seat. Chickster finds it much easier to play with his toys. Unless, that is, he is in the process of piling them up in the floor, as seen here.

Barefoot boy!

Propping the foot...he loves propping his foot up on whatever is close by.

Here he is with the bear Husband and I built for him. Much different than his first pic with him!

Watching each other. I wonder who is more intrigued?

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