This past weekend was the 2nd Annual Three-Generation Campout for the guys, and Girls’ Weekend for Honor and me.
The guys left on Friday to head to the campground. They got set up and ready for a weekend of fun.
(All of the camping photos were taken by Husband. Thanks, Babe!)
Meanwhile, Honor and I picked up Taco Bell and went to have tires put on Husband’s car. Yay! Honor got to stay up past her bedtime and entertain other customers in the waiting area. She had a blast. After we got home and Honor finally got to bed, I ate ice cream in bed and watched a movie.
Saturday, the guys woke up super early and went fishing, where Caedmon caught this whopper.
They also went canoeing. Caedmon was a little unsure about that adventure, but he actually enjoyed himself, though he was a bit uptight about it.
Honor and I watched cartoons together and had a little bit of a lazy morning. Then, we went out to the campsite to drop off supplies, have lunch, and hang out with the guys.
We tried swimming in the lake, but Honor was having none of it. She kept asking to go to the pool to swim, poor girl. So we went back to the campsite and played some more.
Caedmon rode his bike while Poppy and Honor walked along behind.
Honor and I left the guys at the campground and went home to the air conditioning. We hung out and watched some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins, which are her current favorites. After she went to bed, I read a big ol’ chunk of my book club’s monthly book. I haven’t stayed up late reading just for fun in a long time!
The guys ended up going to the movies to see Monsters University. Some camping trip! It was perfect though, since we’re gearing up for Disney in the fall. Except that I wanted to take Caedmon to see it. Because I want to see it, too.
My motives are pure, y’all.
That’s ok, I’ll take him to a different movie. One that I really he wants to see.
Sunday morning, Honor and I were just getting up and around when I called to see when Husband thought they’d be home. They were 15 minutes away. They’d gotten up early and gone fishing one last time before they loaded up to come home.
So, they got home, we unloaded and put stuff away, I started the laundry, and sent the guys to the showers. We spent the rest of the day being as lazy as possible. It was great.
We had a fun, busy weekend. And I’m looking forward to another one!

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