We have another case of the sickies at our house. I have been trying to figure this out for months, but I don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
Here’s the deal. Since last September (so, for almost a year), Caedmon has been getting sick every 6-8 weeks. The first time, we *think* he had strep. The reason we *think* and don’t know, is because when I took him to the doctor, they just diagnosed him with strep and didn’t actually do a strep test because they didn’t want to “freak him out.” I asked to go ahead and do one so we’d know for sure, and they just thought it was best not to. Riiight. Even after being put on antibiotics, he ran fever for a week. So I took him back to the doctor, where they changed their minds and said he didn’t have strep, or maybe he did, but he had something else, too. Whatever.
But since that time, every 6-8 weeks, Caedmon’s been getting sick. Nothing crazy. Fever, sometimes swollen tonsils (usually the 2nd day of fever), sometimes white gunk on his tonsils, sometimes not. Sometimes a stomach ache, sometimes not. Usually bloodshot and tired eyes. (Who wouldn’t have that with fever?) The only constant is fever for 3-7 days that starts low, goes up and down on its own, and usually maxes out around 102-103. And he doesn’t always feel bad. Sometimes he’ll have 100.4 and feel lousy, but later have 102 and feel fine. It’s craziness.
So, no, I haven’t taken him to the doctor every time he’s been sick. I figured after the strep/not strep/virus thing, we’d just save that co-pay and ride it out unless it became more complicated. And it mostly hasn’t.
But last time he got sick, in May, I took him to the doctor. We were getting ready to travel, and I was tired of whatever this is that keeps rearing its ugly head. So the (new) doctor did a strep test and throat culture. Nothing. We treated it as viral and, as usual, he got better on his own in a few days.
Listen, the boy is on good, high quality (expensive!) multi-vitamins, extra vitamin C, and omega 3’s. We eat pretty healthy, and through all of this, nobody else has gotten sick. And he doesn’t get whatever’s “going around” at any given time, either. This past winter, I think just about every household we know was hit by the stomach bug at least once. But we didn’t get it. He’s not even had so much as a cold besides this crazy stuff. (I’m furiously knocking on wood over here.)
I have no idea what is causing this mess. We’ve bought new toothbrushes, washed his sheets in hot water, even disinfected his pillow and mattress. We’ve been to the dentist and had his teeth checked. There’s no connection I can find to anything. Still, he gets sick every 6-8 weeks. I can almost mark it on my calendar.
So, we spent the weekend with a feverish boy who sometimes felt decent and sometimes felt lousy. And a little sister who is still working on pushing some molars through her poor, poor gums. And a Momma that was about to go just a little nuts. Because you know what my kids don’t do well when they feel lousy? Sleep.
Honor sleeps great at night, but started shorting her naps as soon as Caedmon got sick, which coincided with her second (or third? I lost count) molar beginning to actually push through the gums. Caedmon…just doesn’t sleep well at all. And when he feels bad, it’s even worse. Friday night we were up for at least two hours in the middle of the night – I quit checking the clock. It was depressing. And after he had a bad dream Saturday night, I spent almost as much time in his bed with him as I did my own.
But you know I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Well, I would definitely trade the sickness. That stuff can go jump off a cliff. But I love that I get to snuggle with them and be here for them when they don’t feel good. I love that Husband works hard to provide for us so that I can stay home with these kids – whether they’re sick or not – and at times like this weekend, just be Momma and not worry about anything else. It’s the best job in the world, and one I hope I never take for granted.
But really, if anybody knows what strange germ might be bothering my kid, let me know. I’d like to punch it in the throat.

My initial reaction was allergies, but that doesn't usually coincide with a fever - unless the allergy symptoms turn into a sinus infection. You're living in a new place, and there may be something in the air or plants outside that he's not used to? We have seasonal and other allergies and go for shots weekly. Mostly controls it and haven't had any infections in a couple of years.
ReplyDeleteI thought it might be due to allergies at first too, but since it's been over all seasons now, I don't really think so. And he doesn't have any other symptoms. It's crazy!
DeletePlease don't think I'm dxing or telling you what you should do. Ut my third child got sick like your little boy. Oh it's awful. Shed get weezing too. Some suggestions would be that he's string tonsillitis. Or more so might have an allergy like my child does to dust mites. Crazy...but it caused her chronic sinus infections! And her tonsils were enlarged so much that her airway was restricted. Once those babies were out, her weezing wentbaway. She has to take singular, eat healthy, limit dust mites (I clean like crazy), and take a vitamin a day but she's so much healthier than she was when she was little. It's so hard, so I'm sending you giant hugs.
ReplyDeleteI think there are some nasty viruses going around...I'm sick.
Thanks! His tonsils aren't swollen when he's not sick, and I really don't think it's allergy related since we've now been through all seasons and he has no other allergy symptoms. Thanks for the ideas, though. I dread the whole "tonsil" conversation with the doctor. Sigh.
DeleteI found your blog via Jenna's. My son did the exact same thing for over two years. We even visited the National Institute of Heath in Maryland because they are the people to see with fevers of unknown origin. Silas has now been fever free for seven months. We have no idea what it was but we hope it never comes back. You are welcome to email me if you have more questions or want more of the story. My name is Mauree and we live in NWA. My email is nantze@cox.net
ReplyDeleteMy son did the exact same thing for over two years. We even went to the National institute of Health in Maryland. They specialize in fevers of unknown origin. I would be glad to share more of our story or answer questions. My name is Mauree and my email is nantze@cox.net. Silas has been fever free for 7 months now.
Well, you probably can guess what I'm going to suggest. :) Try a couple of teaspoons of colloidal silver a day for a month and also get a really good probiotic. Maybe the silver can get rid of whatever hides back there and the probiotic will get his gut back on track. Hope he feels better and Honor's molars break through. It's exhausting when they're not 100% but that snuggling sure is sweet :).
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mrs. Debbie! I actually was out of colloidal silver when he got sick and wasn't able to get any until Monday because the store was closed. I have been giving it to him when he's sick, but always forget to give it when he's well. He eats yogurt on a regular basis, but I'm adding extra probiotics when I can. I've also started giving him an Ecinacea blend. Someone suggested it might be yeast-related, so I'm going to look into that possibility too, but this should knock out whatever's there. Or at least, I hope so!
DeleteHi there! I haven't commented here before, but we are Twitter friends (I am MommyJennyBlog, yay Goonies :)!!!!). Reading this post makes me think of TWO of my boys going through similar illnesses. Turns out - they both had mono! It happened to Peter when he was in 1st grade (6yo), and it happened to D.A. when he was in kindergarten (5yo). They each got it several years apart, so they did not catch it from each other. It needs to run its course, and it takes quite a bit of time to do so. Our ped is beyond amazing, and he walked us through the healing process (no meds work to treat mono except pain relief as needed). They were each diagnosed by blood test. I believe from reading your blog that your son is used to getting blood tests, so I am guessing you know about that numbing cream that makes blood draws so much easier. The only real concern when our boys had mono was to be sure that they didn't play any contact games so their spleens were protected. The doctor should be able to palpate his abdomen and feel if the spleen is swollen. DM me on Twitter if you want me to send you my e-mail address for me details :). Best of luck to you, wonderful Mommy, and I hope your son's mystery ailment is in your rear view mirror now!