Friday, April 01, 2011

Her Room Is Ready!

Little Sister’s room is finally put together, at least for the most part. After my trip to the doctor yesterday where I was encouraged to quickly “finish the checklist,” I finally washed her clothes and put some things away. There are still a few things I’d like to tweak, but it’s pretty safe to say that I’d be ok if it was just like this when she comes home. Ya’ll keep in mind that a) I am no decorator, b) I like to keep things simple, and c) I am cheap.

I’ve already shown up-close shots of the bedding Mom made here. Oh, and the rug I wanted? Is supposedly on backorder until 2014. Yeah…three years from now. I guess I’ll have to find a different rug!

I took these photos at night, so you’ll have to excuse the lighting. Pretend there’s a bright, natural glow to everything instead of the weird overhead light-shadow thing that’s going on.

This is standing in the doorway, looking in.


Here’s the changing table, between the doorway and the closet door.


I really wanted to etch her name on the mirror, but that hasn’t happened yet and likely won’t for a while. That’s ok though. By the time I get around to doing it, I’ll probably be glad I waited because I’ll want something different.

And here’s a shot of her closet – she gets to use the smallest closet in the house. It’s already filled with generous gifts from our wonderful friends and family.


Standing in front of the closet, looking back toward the bed/chair/window. (Please excuse the swing frame “hidden” behind the chair.)


Those are the infamous raspberry curtains. I really do like them after all.

On the left is a frame I previously had hanging in our bedroom. After we moved furniture, I didn’t have a place I really wanted to hang it, so I decided I’d use it in here. Right now it just has a scrap of bedding fabric in it, but hopefully it will eventually hold newborn pictures.


Also, the lamp is one I’ve had since high school and repurposed for her room. I spray painted the lamp and shade, then added the zebra ribbon around the edges.


I don’t have a photo of it, but on the bottom shelf of the side table is Caedmon’s “Big Brother Box”. I put a tub under there with some puzzles, crayons, and (quiet) activities he can do in there while I’m nursing Little Sister, etc. Hopefully that will work out for us.

Probably the most hard-fought and time-consuming things in Little Sister’s room are these blasted tissue kissing balls hanging from the light fixture. I do love them, but they take forever to do. And since I have loads of free time on my hands to cut, crumple, fold, roll and glue crepe paper, well…you get the idea. I’d like to do a yellow rosette ball, but that’ll probably have to come later.



The wall art is complete…but it’s not all there. Her big piece looks a bit strange on the “Dallas Cowboy Silver” walls. When we chose the canvas color, we were expecting to put it on a yellow or brown wall. And honestly the pictures make it look a little funky. I promise it looks better in person.


The wording is almost exactly the same as Caedmon’s. Her name is not in there, but the meaning of her name is.

The small canvas on the left is Proverbs 31:30. It’s hung with the knobs I found at Hobby Lobby thanks to some suggestions from friends.


Another small canvas will go on the other side of the big one, with Jeremiah 29:11 on it. But since it has her name in it (like I did for Caedmon), it’s currently hidden away. Don’t get any ideas…you’ll never find it.

On the dresser sits the vase I painted. It was originally brick red and kind of a gold color. I was using it in our guest room and loved it, but since we no longer have a guest room, I thought maybe I could use it for something here and just decided to go for it. For this color-between-the-lines girl, drawing zebra stripes on that thing was a challenge for me, but I like the way it turned out.


And honestly, that tissue rosette kissing ball, while still one of my favorite things in the room, has about driven me nuts with the time its taken. And it’s not even done yet. You just can’t see the blank part in the back!


Coconut also currently sits atop the dresser. She’s sporting a new hat, though. I bought it yesterday after the doctor seemed convinced we’d have a baby by Easter. You can’t really see very well, but it has a bunny face & ears.


So that’s about it. It’s not perfect, but it’s perfect for us. And the sweet girl that will occupy that room will be too!


  1. I think it is hilarious that you have so deliberately and purposefully hidden her NAME from us...even in the details! That should let all your friends know that you are the girl that knows how to keep a secret! Maybe you should be working for our gov't intelligence agencies...teaching those folks how to keep secrets. The lamp and the vase are too cute. I love the term "repurposed" - You are your daddy's girl, after all. :-)

  2. I think it is hilarious that you have so deliberately and purposefully withheld her NAME - even in the details. You are definitely the friend that knows how to keep a secret! Maybe you should be working in gov't intelligence agencies. You could obviously teach them a thing or two about how to keep a secret. The vase and the lamp are my favorites - because you "repurposed" them with such class and style. So, you do take after your dad :-)

  3. Wow, it's great and so well thought out! You and I are very similar with home decor skills and being "cheap".

    Anyhow, I'm excited that she'll be here any day. With all 3 of my children my doctor thought that they would arrive so much earlier than they actually I get so excited when babies are not as stubborn as mine! :)

  4. Her room looks great! I love the pattern of her bedding - so fun & girly. Those poms are adorable! Maybe your can open a pom making business with all that free time you are gonna have?! ;]

  5. I bet your fingers are sore from all those rosettes! Those are sort of a pain! So cute though. Such a good job on all of it. Sort of makes me want to decorate a nursery again.

    But not that bad..... : )

  6. Love her room! I've never seen a rosette ball before, you'll have to share how you made it! I cannot WAIT to find out little sister's name!!

  7. The vase turned out great! Those are perfectly-not-perfect zebra stripes! :)

  8. I LOVE IT!!! Each and every little girly detail! The rosette ball is super duper cute!
