With a boy, I was prepared for scrapes and bruises. Too bad he was not prepared for the time it takes to clean those things up. My favorite scratch and scrape cleaner is plain old hydrogen peroxide. But I hate having to pour it everywhere or blot it on with a cotton ball.
But last week, I found a solution. Hydrogen Peroxide in a spray bottle.
I’m sure you can pour it in your own spray bottle, but I found this one at the store the other day (don’t think I won’t be refilling this baby). It was a little more expensive than the bottle of plain peroxide ($1.25 vs 83 cents), but it’s an expense I’m willing to incur this time. I am particular about spray bottles, so I was surprised to find that I liked the sprayer. It sprays a fine mist over a pretty large area without making a huge mess everywhere. It’s also grab-and-go, so you don’t have to have other “equipment” to clean that scrape on a wiggly little boy.
It works for me. For more Works-For-Me-Wednesday, head on over to We Are THAT Family.

I have one of those and I use it to spray blood stains on clothing it's a lot easier than pouring it into the cap and onto the fabric.