Monday, November 09, 2009

In Case You’ve Forgotten What My Child Looks Like…

I have been meaning to take Caedmon’s 2-year-old portraits for a while now. You know, since he turned two back in August.

And then things got busy. And we were gone on vacation. And we had a laser treatment and portraits are no fun with fresh purple laser on your face. And then it was cold. And then it was hot. And then the perfect place with all the pretty leaves had to get messed up when the landscapers had the audacity to pick up all the pretty leaves.

But Thursday I decided it was do or die. So we did. I loaded him into the car and we went to the same place we had our family photos taken back in the spring. Because surely they would have some pretty leaves.

I got so many pictures…of the boy’s back. Seriously, he would not be still. And a lot of the photos I thought I got ended up blurry because as fast as my camera is, it apparently isn’t fast enough to keep up with a boy who is running around at light speed checking everything out. And some of these haven’t been edited. But ya’ll think he’s cute anyway, right?

So now I present to you…my 2-year-old.This is the birthday shirt I made for his 2nd birthday. I love those little plaid shoes. They are absolutely adorable, and I bought them on clearance, so that makes me love them even more.DSC06469, editDSC06514 Running…what he did most of the time we were there. When he wasn’t running, he was jumping…or preparing to jump. Or looking into cracks and crevices.DSC06602Or climbing on “yocks.” DSC06651, edit2They did have some pretty leaves, but to say he wasn’t interested in them would be an understatement.DSC06770, edit2Finally…sitting down! Whew! I was worn out by the time he finally paused for a moment.  DSC06765, edit2 And in the midst of all the tired came my favorite shot of the day. I love this boy!

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  1. Those are PERFECT 2 year old pics. Because he looks like a 2 year old BOY. All about the "going." Cute, Cute kid...even if he is my grandchild. ;-)

  2. Those are great pictures. He sure is a cutie!
