Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Works-For-Me-Wednesday: Water Boy

For the “Mom, I’m Bored!” edition of Works-For-Me-Wednesday, I thought I’d share what’s been keeping my guy’s attention lately.

Granted, he’s almost 2, so I use the term “keeping his attention” rather loosely. Meaning typically 12 seconds. Give or take.

Really, I can sum it up in one word: water.

C loves the water. If evolution were true, he’d be breathing through his skin by now.

He loves to swim in a “big” pool, but he loves a wading pool just as much. He’s also just been introduced to the joys of water in the sand box. And he adores the sprinkler. And earlier this week I put the little wading pool up next to his slide and he was thrilled with sliding down the slide into the pool.

When it’s raining or a bit cool outside, my big whirlpool tub with a few inches of water is a special treat.

Water’s pretty cheap. It’s easily available. And it doesn’t take a lot of work on my part. And hey, the boy’s going to have to have a bath anyway. Might as well make good use of it.

Head on over to We Are THAT Family for more Works-For-Me-Wednesday, special “Mom, I’m Bored!” Edition.

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1 comment:

  1. Our boys love the water too!! Check out my blog for our latest water adventures!! And it's CHEAP entertainment!
