Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter

Our Easter celebrations started early and went long. Because we like to party hearty, yo.

And because I’ve apparently lost my mind and time traveled back to the late 80’s.

Thursday, C’s Kids’ Day Out class had parties and an egg hunt. Here he is with his basket filled with treats for the party and his teachers.DSC02323Sadly, the KDO egg hunting was really the only chance C got to search for hinged plastic eggs filled with candy. But he loved him some candy-filled eggs!

Oh, and to whoever put the Starburst Jelly Beans in their eggs, I love you.

Sunday morning, we woke up to torrential downpours and very chilly weather. C wore his shorts to church anyway. I bought those shorts almost a year ago and have been waiting anxiously for him to wear them since then.

Sure, maybe he was cold. But he has plenty of time left to feel his lower appendages.

He didn’t actually wear the sandals. Those were off before we could even get out the door, so I went ahead and put on his dragon Robeez. DSC02393See, I did put long sleeves on him. I’m not completely heartless.DSC02433 We had to have a shot with the Peep bunny, too! (Already trying to take the sandals off.)

So because of All The Rain and Torrential Downpours, our Easter celebration at Mom & Dad’s kept us contained inside.DSC02449C and HLB played with Duplo blocks for a while.DSC02463Since last time we had a girl photo, Mom decided today that we needed a guy photo. In the back are HLB and NLB. Front row (left to right) are Deputy Guy, Groom With No Name (who still needs a name), Husband and C, and Dad.DSC02465NLB decided to show us his better side….DSC02479And there were more shenanigans with the blocks, too.

We were worn out by the end of the day. And there’s still some Easter candy around here that needs to be eaten. Maybe I’ll go work on that now.

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