Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pea In A Cup

Yes, "pea".

Chickster has been mastering the skill of dropping little plastic balls into a funnel-like toy that lights up and plays music. He loves him some eye-hand coordination toys.

So last night, as Chickster was eating dinner, I turned to find a pea in the straw of his cup. I figured that maybe it had gotten there by accident. Maybe he'd taken a drink with a pea in his mouth and it somehow got stuck on the straw.

So I took it off.

And he promptly picked it back up and put the pea back in his straw. He was so proud of himself. So then he picked up the cup, took a drink and consumed the pea at the same fime.

So now we have a new game. Perhaps all peas will need to be placed in a straw before they're eaten. Who knows? But at least he likes them.

Which is more than I can say for myself. Pin It


  1. You were deprived and never had frozen peas to play with or consume at the dinner table - the skills you could have had if only your mother would have fed you frozen peas. Because we all know that cooked peas would not cooperate so willingly in a straw.

  2. He really is beginning to look like a little boy and no more baby. I love the little boy haircut.

  3. I know - he's growing up. He looks more and more like a "big boy" every day, and he's so darn cute I just about can't help myself!
