And that's where we discover the perils of crawling with your toes and elbows.
I noticed this bruise on his elbow one day, and watched it turn from barely noticeable to dark and sore-looking by the time he got ready for bed.
I guess that comes from digging your elbows into whatever happens to be on the floor. Which, at our house, is any number of things.
I'm not a bad housekeeper, but the dog drags in a lot of, well, crap. Sometimes literally.
Moving on...
Chickster has also developed a near-blister on the side of his big toe. Just this one - not both. After watching him, I realized this is the side he favors for pushing off and really getting his motor going.
I put some A&D Ointment on it (because it can work magic) before I put his PJ's on, but it probably got all wiped off in the process of shoving his little toes down in his footie-pajamas. At least I tried.
Either he will learn to hands-and-knees crawl pretty soon or we're going to be seeing some serious callouses on his toes and elbows. I don't even want to think about toe callouses, so I hope the whole crawling thing comes along pretty quickly.
If it doesn't, I'm totally strapping a Swiffer cloth to his stomach when he hangs out in the kitchen.

Hiya, I followed you back from a comment you left on my perfectly normal blog, and I have to say Chickster is SUCH a cutie! My little guy is 3 months behind yours and I can't believe crawling (even army style) is so close.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking about telling my husband about the blanket dragging game too. My kitchen floor needs a good polish!
Dude - I'm so totally with you it's not even funny! I keep encouraging Porter to get up on his hands and knees and he'll get in that position, he just drops to his belly when he's ready to move from that spot. But I tell ya, that kid can get his boogie on when he wants something out of his reach. I dare say my floors have gotten a good swipe from his shirt more than once!