We were in the check-out at Wal-Mart, having just about finished our quest when J from the in-store bank approached. We see J on a regular basis since we do most of our banking there now.
Anyway, J asked if he could give Chickster a balloon. A real live helium balloon. Bank logo included. After I agreed, he slipped a loop around Chickster's wrist, and a confused little boy wrinkled his nose.
It seems that Chickster was more concerned with the loop around his wrist than the giant orange balloon floating above his head. J was concerned that he didn't like it, and hung around long enough to see Chickster realize there was indeed something attached to the end of that blue ribbon. And that it was very cool. J even held the balloon low so I could take a picture with my camera phone.
Props to you, J. You may look like you're about 14, but you have something much of the world's population doesn't: consideration.
Anyway, Chickster took a brief recess from his balloon to take a nap and have his diaper changed - you know, priority baby stuff. But he was back at it again, and loving every minute of it.
He crawled around for quite some time holding onto the precious until his horrible Mommy ripped it from his grasp for other seemingly important things like eating and bathing.
Sadly, the glorious orange balloon didn't last through the night and was put to rest the next morning. But it was fun while it lasted.

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