Husband was mowing the other day and found a frog. Seeing as how we have a lot of bugs around our yard, we need all the help we can get and didn’t want this little froggy to get caught in the mower.
So, the kids and I decided to take care of him for a little while until it was safe for him to be back out in the yard again. I pulled out an old Cool Whip bowl and cut some holes in the top. Our frog resided safely inside during his stay in the house.
I’d tried to get Caedmon to hold him, but as he has not yet perfected his frog-holding technique, we were afraid of squishing the little guy. And he wasn’t so thrilled at the prospect of getting peed on by a frog, either.
I know the frog wasn’t thrilled to be in the old Cool Whip bowl, but he was much safer in there than he would’ve been with these two. They started hopping around like frogs.
Someone was not thrilled with the frog in the house. He’s such a worry wart.
When the mowing was done, we took him back outside. Hop free, little frog!
Hopefully we didn’t run the little guy off. He needs to hang around and eat some mosquitos!

the picture of Caedmon jumping like a frog is hilarious!