Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Mommas, {Don’t} Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys

While Husband was traveling a couple of weeks ago, the kids and I went home for a visit. We got to do all kinds of fun things, but I think Caedmon’s favorite was riding a horse.

He knew he was going to get to ride at horse at Cini and Papa Duke’s, and we hadn’t been there very long before he was asking to get on a horse.


Levi saw him riding and came down to have a chat on horseback.


Mom and Honor were supervising.


Honor got to sit on Honey for just a minute. She was too busy to sit still somewhere, even if the horse could move.


While we were there, Caedmon got to ride several more times.

He rode with Aunt Squirt on her barrel horse, Kai.


We went to a playday that some friends of Mom and Dad hosted, and Caedmon got to ride in the arena with Dad. He ate. it. up.



Caedmon finally got an official riding lesson from Aunt Squirt.


And then he was riding on his own! And so excited!



It did my heart good to see Caedmon on a horse and loving every second of it. I grew up riding horses and I’m so excited that Caedmon not only got to ride, but that he loves it. Riding horses is so much more than just a “fun thing”. It teaches so many principles, consideration of others, and reinforces a good work ethic. Caedmon won’t be able to ride all the time, but I’m thankful he has the opportunity.

Though Honor didn’t ride a horse, she was ready. Before we left for our trip, Husband bought her these babies.


To say she loves them would be an understatement, don’t you think?


We had a lot more fun while we were – including meeting our brand new Cousin C! But that will have to wait for another time.

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