Friday, May 03, 2013

Meeting Cousin C!

Trump and Grade A welcomed a new (two-legged) member of their family a few weeks ago. (They acquire four-legged critters all the time. So a two-legged one really is special. Ha!) We were so thankful to be able to meet Cousin C while she was just a couple of weeks old.

Trump brought Cousin C to visit us one day at Mom’s. She was really good at sleeping during the day.


Cutie patootie!

Caedmon and Honor loved meeting Cousin C. They were so sweet with her. Honor was not satisfied unless she was covered with a blanket. All babies should be covered with a blanket, right? She’ll get along well with Mimis everywhere in that regard.


During family dinner on Sunday, we tried for a photo of the cousins all together. It went…well, it went. The Fab Five, together for the first time. (We had a lot more “big cousin” time during our stay. More pictures of that another time!)


Aunt Curly got to hold Cousin C for a while. She was supposed to be keeping her awake, I think.


I managed this one of Cousin C while Curly was holding her. Definitely not awake.

Charlotte Edit-0618

Precious, isn’t she? You did good, Trump and Grade A! Hopefully she’s figured out that all that sleeping is for night time!