Saturday, we headed out to Deputy Guy and Curly’s to do some shooting. (Targets, not each other.)
Caedmon was quite serious in the car.
NLB drove Mom’s car. Oh yeah, he’s bad…driving a car with a steering wheel cushion. (His gripe, not mine.)
We picked up Trump on our way, and Caedmon played shy. Even when she had Skittles to share. She also tried to pick his nose, but that’s neither here nor there.
Caedmon and Cousin Q hung out on the deck and finished off the Skittles.
And while Curly watched my boy, we went out into the pasture to do some shootin’.
Here’s a little of our setup.
I must not neglect to show you Trump’s pink 380. It was fun to shoot. (That’s NLB’s Katherine in the background. At least I think it’s Katherine with a “K” since she was named after Katherine in “MacLintock!” I know for sure she’s never called Katie.)
People often ask me to describe NLB, and the best way I know how is this: You know the scene in Sahara where Al is dropping his guns and ammo long after everyone else is done? That’s NLB.
The little guys enjoyed watching from the deck. After we’d shoot, they’d yell, “Woah!”
We didn’t have any skeet, so we used a plastic jug to test out NLB’s new shotgun.
I’m proud to say that while I’ve never shot skeet before, I was able to knock that jug out of the sky. In fact, we are all pretty good shots.
NLB took this picture. I think he was proud to have shootin’ sisters.
After shooting, we went back to Mom’s for Caedmon’s afternoon nap. And HLB came to eat dinner before the rodeo. It was a good thing he did. Caedmon eats his green beans so much better when HLB is there to eat with him.
After dinner, a pillow fight was just what these boys needed.
Honor’s rash had faded on Wednesday, but came back on Saturday. She stayed home with Mom and rested.
Trump’s target practice was good for her. She went hunting with Grade A that evening, killed a deer, and was still dressed and ready to go to the rodeo with Caedmon and me.
We found HLB before we went inside.
First, we got to watch bronc bustin’, barrel racing, breakaway roping, and calf roping. Caedmon watched everything and did well. Events that last anywhere from 8-20 seconds each are just his speed. It also helped that Trump bought him Doritos and gum.
HLB would come visit us now and then.
Then it was time for the “buckin’ bulls,” as Caedmon calls them. This is one of those instances when a super zoom lens would come in handy. HLB was sitting on the chute (on the left) while another bull rider was getting ready.
And since I wasn’t able to get right up on the fence for photos, this is about the best I got of HLB’s ride.
Caedmon was proud of his uncle. We went to say bye before we left. (It was really dark in there and the flash wasn’t a lot of help.)
By the time we finished with the rodeo, it was late and we headed home for baths and bed so we could get ready to go to church on Sunday.

That was one cram-jam-packed day of all kinds of fun and excitement.
ReplyDeleteThat was one jam-cram-packed day of fun and excitement.