Friday, July 15, 2011

Travel Day 1, More Visiting

The kids & I made another stop on our journey, this time to visit my grandparents who hadn’t yet met Honor.

Caedmon was at home right away, playing with the same Little People schoolhouse that’s been at Papa & Nanny’s since I can remember.


By the time we got around to pictures, Honor was getting cranky.


Nanny took over and quickly put her to sleep.


We hung out for a little bit and Caedmon managed to eat peanut butter crackers, cheese, and apple before we left. We couldn’t spend a lot of time there, but it was good to see them and get to visit for a while.

Then it was on to Nana & Poppy’s to spend the night. The camera stayed in the car, but we were glad to see them. Caedmon was thrilled to be let loose from his carseat for the night, and so was Honor. We were all worn out, which made for an early bedtime – the earliest in weeks for me. Which was good because we were up before the sun the next day for Travel Day 2….

1 comment:

  1. We miss y'all! Praying for you as you get settled in your new home. :)
