Thursday, July 14, 2011

Travel Day 1, More Fire Trucks!

On our way to the new house, we had a two-day drive. The first day, the kids and I were by ourselves, so we made a few extra stops for some leg stretches. We left from Mom & Dad’s about 8:45am, about 15 minutes after I’d originally planned. We stopped before we even got off of Mom & Dad’s road to retrieve Caedmon’s ball he’d flung across the car. We almost stopped again before we got out of town because Honor decided to get upset. She finally quieted down and went to sleep.

The plan was to drive about 2 1/2 hours, then stop for lunch, feed Honor and let Caedmon play at “our” Chick-fil-A that we stop at when we go to Children’s. Honor had other plans. We ended up having to stop at least twice before then because Sister was unhappy in her carseat. The curse of the tummy sleeper is that she doesn’t rest well in her carseat. But honestly? I’ll take her sleeping all night and just deal with the carseat thing.

After leaving Chick-fil-A, I managed to get the kids to nap a bit before our next special stop, which was to see our cousin Mark, who’s a fireman. Y’all know Caedmon loves firemen. Mark was anxious to meet Honor and give Caedmon a ride in a fire truck.

Mark has been a special part of our lives since I was a kid. He always had time to play with us and his shoulder rides are legendary. Once we got older, he was always up for a game of cards (and still is). I was more than happy to stop and visit for a few minutes, and wish we could’ve stayed longer.

Here’s Mark meeting Honor for the first time.


And Caedmon up in one of the fire trucks.


He even got to hold the “giant water hose.”


And go for a ride!


They just went around the block, but Caedmon loved it!


He also thought the 4-wheeler was pretty cool.


Sitting on the fire truck together.


Thanks, Mark, for letting us play for a few minutes! We needed a hug and a break from the car!

Then, it was on to our next stop!

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