Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Super Bowl

We had a low-key Super Bowl, and enjoyed having Brandon and Jill over to watch it with us. As you may know, each year the guys endeavor to concoct some sort of artery-clogging food item. Last year, it was the Vortex Burger. This year it was to be the Donut Bacon Cheeseburger.

I gave Caedmon the choice between a football-shaped cake or football cupcakes. The boy is a cupcake addict, so of course he chose those. This time, I snuck in some of the cream cheese filling I had left over from the red velvet cupcakes I recently made, and again, it was good.


I let Caedmon have the frosting bag and a cupcake of his own to decorate. He thought that was the most awesome thing ever.


And his cupcake ended up looking like this.


And yes, after dinner he ate the entire thing. Every last crumb and frosting smudge.

The game started and after I got finished throwing a fit about the bumbled National Anthem, we settled down to watch. Caedmon wasn’t so into it, so he ended up playing with cars. This was our party scene.


We are wild and crazy, aren’t we?

About halftime, we started on the Donut Bacon Cheeseburgers. Our two guys did most of the cooking.


At least one person in our house enjoyed the halftime show. (We always enjoy Slash. But the rest? Meh.)


For the Donut Bacon Cheeseburgers, they’re exactly what they sound like. Bacon Cheeseburgers with a donut as a bun. The guys originally planned on using Krispy Kremes, but that just didn’t work out. So it was Daylight instead.



(Yes, I realize Husband is wearing his Griswold Family Christmas T-shirt. He really disliked both teams that were playing and didn’t want to inadvertently wear anything that might sport their team colors. At least that’s my theory, and I’m going to hold to it.)

Here it is – the finished product. (They left the condiments off so as not to muddy the flavors.)


Of course a picture had to go to Twitter immediately.


And? It actually wasn’t bad. The guys enjoyed their Donut Bacon Cheeseburgers. I had a bite of Husband’s and I kinda liked it. The sweet and savory combination is one that I typically enjoy, so I didn’t think I’d hate it. It was better than I thought it would be. Not that I want to rush out and make one of these again tonight, but I wouldn’t be opposed to trying it again. Jill, on the other hand, didn’t care for them.

The guys started receiving Twitter and Facebook messages immediately regarding the item’s flavor and cholesterol content. And it was funny to hear them justify it. “It’s the same as eating a donut for breakfast and then a Bacon Cheeseburger for lunch. It’s not any worse for you than that.” And they are correct.

Jill made some guacamole that was heavenly, but I neglected to take a picture of it. She did, however, take some pictures of Husband and me.


(I have no idea why my face looks fat in this picture. Because it’s not. Not that I’m sensitive about that right now or anything.)


See? I told you Caedmon enjoyed his cupcake.


As always, we had fun with Brandon and Jill. I can’t believe we (most likely) won’t be able to attend their wedding in April. Baby Sister is set to make her grand entrance into the world just a few days before, and with their wedding a three hour drive away, I just don’t think it will happen. Jennifer has offered to Skype us in, though I think that her standing beside the bride with a laptop or iPhone would be a bit awkward. Husband has offered to secretly marry them in our living room just so we can be there when it happens. They haven’t taken him up on it…yet.

So what did you do for the Super Bowl? Did your team win?

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