Friday, November 05, 2010

Family Photos, Fall 2010

**Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a $45 gift certificate from CSN Stores!**

We’ve been putting off the family photos for a while, and decided we needed to get on the ball and get them done. So we called our friend Brian Armas and asked if he’d be willing to shoot us again. But since we’d been putting them off for a while, we had to do them the next day. As in within 24 hours of calling Brian.

Why? We wanted to do them before the preggo belly gets too big. And Caedmon was having his next laser treatment two days later, which meant his face would be purple for about three weeks. So, not wanting to wait another month for the laser to fade and the belly to get bigger, we had one day. And Brian was willing to accommodate us.

I panicked. Just a little. Because we had nothing to wear. Well, I mean, we all have clothes, just nothing that actually went together. And if it weren’t for my friends Melissa and Jill, I might’ve had a nervous breakdown. But with them keeping me sane and some input from Husband, I think we ended up doing a pretty good job with our outfits.

Brian did such a great job, it was hard to choose, but here are some of our favorites.

These were at one of my favorite spots – the lawn of Old Main on the University campus.




This was along the street…where all the motorcycles were driving by. Did I mention that we were crazy enough to have our pictures taken on campus/downtown during the big fat middle of Bikes, Blues & BBQ? It’s a good thing sound doesn’t translate in photos, because if it did, these would be very loud.





I was 10 weeks pregnant in these pictures, and I think I might look more pregnant then than I do now. Weird! It’s nice to know that the baby is in these pictures though, just incognito!




Didn’t Brian do a great job? These will soon be all over our house, and I can’t wait!


  1. There pictures turned out so good! And I just LOVE that baby #2 is making his/her appearance in them.

  2. Melissa, these turned out GREAT!!! :) I bet you are so happy with them. You have a beautiful family. Cannot wait to meet baby #2! We need to have lunch again soon.

  3. They're all so good, but I LOVE the last one!

  4. Those are beautiful photos!

    I love your quote there on the side too. Great food for thought.

    Come on over and say "hi" will ya? Maybe "like" me on Facebook? I recently set up a page, you can find it here:

  5. Loooooove the pictures!
