Tuesday, June 10, 2008

9 Month Pictures, Diaper Chronicles

Chickster's "security blanket" isn't as glamorous as a "silkie" or one of those cute fuzzy blankets with a stuffed animal head. Nope. We use a plain white regular cloth diaper. Hey, they come in packages of 10 and are handy for all sorts of things. Plus, you never have to worry about when to wash it - just swap it out for a clean one.

Anyway, here are some shots of Chickster playing with his ol' rag.

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  1. Well, a diaper is a lot easier to swap out if you "lose" the real one...you were attached to some red headed doll in a blue jean outfit. It was like taking another kid wherever we went - because we sure couldn't leave without her!

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    And let's not forget Squirt's baby doll in the silk pajamas and the night cap. Originally intended to glow in the dark, I think the "lamp" part was removed so that her roommate could sleep!
    I remember well the blesses/cursed day that baby was accidently lost!

  3. Sadly, I do not remember said doll I supposedly drug around. Maybe it was her all-denim outfit that finally made me realize I should let her go and block her from my memory.

    Curly, those glow things were a pain. But you had a hideous blue and red clown you had to have. A clown? Really? Maybe you and the E-trade baby should chat. He underestimated the creepiness, and I think you did too.

  4. Seeing him with that cloth diaper brings back a lot of memories of J-Man at this age. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Your pics are just fabulous! Oh how the little ones grow soo fast! Charish every minute because in a blink of an eye they are 4 and two! Nothing like the ittle bittle ones. Of course don't get me wrong I LOVE my boys but ready for those teeny tiny fingers and toes again!
