Saturday, January 01, 2005

Blogs I Read

Here’s a list of the blogs I read on a regular basis. This is by no means a comprehensive list, as I find new stuff all the time.

Some of these are real live friends, and some are strangers whom I stalk via the world wide web. Cozy, isn’t it?

That being said, I have read all of these blogs on a regular basis for a while. I feel comfortable sharing them with you, knowing you won’t find questionable content when you click on over.

If you’d like to be added to my blogroll, send me an email.

Allison & Baxter
Baby Bangs
Bake at 350
Big Mama
The Browns
The Conaways
Kate & Josh Floyd
Meredith & Nick Floyd
Jennifer Francis
The Hankes
The Harmons
Jennifer Francis
Jill Jones
Kelly’s Korner
The Kennedys
The Prays
The Pinkertons
Rocks In My Dryer
Katie Rowe
The Schislers
The Slaughters
The Snyders
Matt & Courtney Stewart
Ben & Kristen Trueblood
Matt & Julee Turner
Virtue Alert/Vicki Courtney
We Are THAT Family

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