Monday, September 09, 2013

School Days

A couple of weeks ago, the kids started going to class once a week.

Honor is going to our church’s Mother’s Day Out program. At “Meet the Teacher,” Mrs. D told us to expect the kids to be upset when we dropped off the first day. That was not a problem for Honor. She was more upset when I picked her up!

Miss Dana

Her second week, she walked right in and barely even told me bye. She came home with the cutest bumblebee she’d “made” out of two letter B’s. She was so proud of herself.

Caedmon is going to a Homeschool Enrichment class. He’s attending with other homeschooling Kindergarten/1st graders. The first day of class, I walked him in and helped him find his spot at the table. It took him approximately 3 seconds to settle in. This was right before I got the, “You can go now, Mom.”

First day of class

The second week, he tried to get me to leave while we were in the hall. I think it’s safe to say that he is enjoying himself. And I’m sure he will accidentally learn something in the process.

And me? I’m enjoying having a little time to myself during the day once a week. So far, I’ve been crazy busy during those days. But in the next couple of weeks, I’m planning a day to just…sit. It makes it even better knowing that the kids are enjoying themselves and learning something at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Ok this sounds creepy but in the pic of Honor, is the little girl behind her named Olivia?

    She looks exactly like an old friend from my old churches granddaughter, who lives out of state....
