Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Would You Pray for Will?

Tomorrow, a little boy named Will is getting a new chance at life.

The Internet community is so big, yet so, so small. I know about little Will because I met his Momma on Twitter. And I have been inspired and humbled by Alex and Lindsey’s faith as they walk through an extremely rare disease with first, their daughter Kate, and now their son, Will. You can read more about it on Lindsey’s blog, here.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, just-turned-one-year-old Will is set to receive a life-saving bone marrow transplant. And some wonderful women (who also met each other on Twitter) have set up 24 hours of prayer for Will, as well as Alex and Lindsey (Mom and Dad), and big sister. Kate. You can see more about it at Meredith’s or Rachel’s blogs. The time slots are all filled and friends who know this precious family in real life and via the Internet will be praying for 24 hours starting at midnight tonight.

As I scrolled through the list to find my time slot (Midnight tomorrow. Woohoo! Like I needed an excuse to stay up late.), my eyes welled up with tears. I know that most of those who volunteered to pray for Will have never actually met him. Yet the body of Christ doesn’t have to “know” someone in order to petition the Heavenly Father on their behalf. And that’s what we will be doing.

It’s not too late to join us, though. You don’t have to know them or have an official time slot to pray. Just pray. Pray for a smooth, complication-free bone marrow transplant. Pray for the doctors and nurses at Texas Children’s Hospital, who are caring for Will. Pray for wisdom and strength for Alex and Lindsey. And pray that Will’s healing will be complete, his body will not reject the transplant, and that illnesses and infections will stay away as he recovers.

And, I would add, thank God for the person who is donating life-saving bone marrow to this baby boy.


  1. I've been following Will's amazing journey and I've prayed so much for him and his family. I'll continue to pray today. What a blessing today will be! And GOD BLESS that donor!!
