Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Weekend and Father’s Day

We had a fun and busy weekend!

Saturday morning, Caedmon had a baseball game. He had his first hit from the pitcher (our Coach), and got to play pitcher and 3rd base as his infield positions.


Little Sister was, again, bored and a hot mess by the time we left.  So while Caedmon’s team had their post-game meeting, Honor “drove” the stroller.


It was hot though, so after we came home and ate lunch, they busted out the Slip n’ Slide.



(Honor loved wearing her hat on the Slip n’ Slide because the water wouldn’t spray her in the face. She might be just a little bit her Momma’s daughter.)

And then? We got a little redneck and kicked it up a notch with a raft.


Sunday, we gave Husband his Father’s Day gifts before we headed to church. (Which I somehow managed to not get a picture of.)

After church, we ate lunch, ice cream cake,


and watched a superhero movie.

As a surprise for the kids (and to make sure it wasn’t going to be raining), we ate dinner and then declared, “We’re going to the pool!” We had a fun after-dinner swim and came home to warm baths for the kiddos, followed quickly by bedtime. We were all worn out!

It was a good weekend. I’m glad I got to spend it with my people, and look forward to more fun with them!

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