Monday, April 08, 2013

Goggles and Bubbles

I never knew that two simple things could entertain my kids so well.

Caedmon got some new goggles in his Easter basket. He decided to wear them around the house. And of course, we had to pull out an old pair for Honor.



They get a little wonky after she wears them for a while.


Sometimes, goggles and bubble guns with no ammo just don’t cut it. So we move outside with our bubble juice and go to town.


In our pajamas, of course. (He may or may not have worn those mismatched pajamas for upwards of 36 hours. But I’ll never tell.)



This bubble stuff is serious business.


Those bubble guns could possibly be the best Target $1 Spot purchase ever.

And what do you do when you run out of bubble juice? You do things that give your Daddy a heart attack.


I love days like that – when we can just hang out and play. I love how well they play together!


  1. I think my boys wore Pajama's the entire winter . .. .I'm thankful for summer PJ's - at least they look more like clothes :-) (And yes, some days they wore them for at least 36 hours HA)

  2. What a fun day!
