Thursday, March 07, 2013

Photo Catch-Up

I’ve been such a blogging slacker lately. Mainly because I have been so overwhelmed with everything. And I’ve hardly picked up the (real) camera in the past month.

Here are a few things we did:

Honor figured out how to eat an apple (whole).


Caedmon helped me make football cupcakes for our own little Super Bowl watch party.


That may or may not be chocolate at the corner of his mouth. We will never really know.

Our Valentine’s surprises included some special items Daddy picked out just for the kids. Caedmon got a Darth Vader book…


…and Honor got a Prayer Purse book. That she promptly tore the pages out of and carries as a purse. The pages are waiting for me to re-attach, but I might wait a bit longer until she decides it can be a purse and a book.


During that week was the time we were preparing to move – the kids and I were spending our days at the house cleaning, hanging blinds, etc. So it’s no surprise that after we got our things moved, their “spot” ended up staying for a little while.


And since we were so busy during Valentine’s, we made Valentine cookies the week after.


Mom came to help us unpack and get things in order. But we had to pause for some fun. It was Caedmon’s first time to play Jenga and I think he enjoyed it.



Except for when he thought the tower might topple. Then, he prepared himself for the noise.


We even managed a (rare) photo of Mom and me together!


Basketball is about to wrap up. But we’ve had fun, that’s for sure. Here was a little pre-game gaming/cartoons.


Honor loved her little spirit shirt I made for her to wear to the games. She’d put it on and start shouting, “Defense!” Not that she knows what that means, but at least she was yelling for the team.

Caedmon so did not want to put the game down to pose for a picture. This is certain to be blackmail material one day. He looks like he’s in pain, doesn’t he?


Here’s my guy, guarding his player. That boy loves action away from the ball.


But don’t think he won’t go after it.  I think his favorite thing to do is tie it up, causing the refs to call a jump ball. Our last game was pretty rough. It was more like a rugby match than basketball game. But he played hard and the coaches awarded everyone on the team with the “Christ-like” star because of how they handled themselves in an unfair situation. I don’t even know if they realized that the other team wasn’t quite playing fair and the refs were letting it go. The parents and coaches sure knew. It was a great test of everyone’s character. And I’d like to say that everyone did well. At least, I think they did. I know it could’ve been much, much worse.

This week is our last game. Then we’ll be sport-less for a little while, until baseball season comes around. His age plays later in the year, here. So we’ll get to sit out in the heat in June and July for practices and games. But since baseball is outside, I’m not complaining. I’d rather sweat than freeze. Unless it’s for football. Then freezing is worth it.


  1. Mom's are great! That's so nice yours was able to come and help with the moving in process. The house looks great by the way!

    1. Yes, Moms are great, and I have a really great one!

      Thanks - the house is a work in progress, but we're getting there!

  2. Love the photos - Caedmon is really starting to look grown up . . .wow! I do agree with you - I can handle freezing for football :-) I'm going through withdrawal already and can't until until preseason in August!
