Tuesday, September 04, 2012


Caedmon’s fifth birthday was an epic celebration. You only hit “a whole hand” for the first time once, you know.

Nana arrived on Wednesday to help us with all our partying. Then on Thursday night after Caedmon went to sleep (which wasn’t until about 10:30), I decorated his doorway.


Yes, his light is on. He’s currently going through an “I’m pretending to be afraid of the dark so I can have an excuse to not go to sleep” phase.


I kept the decorations high so they could stay up for a few days without Honor pulling them down.

I’d like to say Caedmon was impressed with my skills, but when he got up that morning, all he said was, “Why did you put that stuff on my door?” Sigh. He’s already too cool for school.

We surprised him with lunch at the grammatically incorrect pizza place (Don’t get me started on their commercials. They drive me nuts.). (Also, need proof? Here you go.) He’s been asking to go there for a while, and since it’s in another town, we kept putting it off. So it made for a perfect birthday lunch.


I think he was happy, don’t you?


Nothing like a little Mario Kart when your feet can barely reach the pedals. Ah, the good old days.


Honor got into the arcade stuff as well. We didn’t tell her we didn’t put tokens in anything.


Caedmon opened his gifts from family members at lunch, and he was excited about all the things they sent him.


Uh-oh…Mom and Dad left our gift for Caedmon at home! We had to wait until we got home for that one. This is what was waiting for him when we walked in (Thank you, Craigslist!).


And this is what his face looked like when he saw it.


We do excitement a little differently at our house.

He made himself at home pretty quickly.


And we spent some time playing/singing “Eye of the Tiger”, “Hungry Like the Wolf” and other gems.


Meanwhile, Honor entertained herself with the bow from the drums.


She later figured out it would stick on her belly. She stuck that thing on her belly over and over again until all the sticky wore off. And then a few more times.

Saturday, Caedmon had his first “friend party”. But since it was also the first college game day of the season, somebody had to rep our Razorbacks. Daddy and Honor took care of that, while Caedmon and I wore our superhero shirts.


Nana and Honor were in charge of blowing up balloons.


Daddy was in charge of the games.


And the friends brought the fun.




We’re so thankful our friends could come and celebrate Caedmon’s birthday with us.

I’m pretty sure this kid had a great birthday.


I know I had fun watching him turn 5. And I’m glad it’s a whole year until his next birthday.

(I’ll post more pictures and party details later.)


  1. Awww looks like a great birthday! Cool mom award for giving him some rock n roll:)

    1. Thanks! I'd like to take credit for that coolness, but that was all Daddy's idea!
