Friday, July 13, 2012

Thoughts of Randomness

1. Honor has been sleeping until 8-8:30 most mornings the past two weeks. It. is. glorious. And now that I’ve put it in writing, she’ll likely never sleep that late again. But it had to be said.

2. This week has not been the best week for my body. Tuesday, I nearly crushed my pinky finger when the double stroller came unlatched and opened while I was picking it up. And yesterday, I forgot about a table in the back of the Xterra and it fell out on my foot when I opened the hatch. While I was holding Honor. I was almost insulted when Husband said he was surprised I didn’t drop her. Um, not gonna drop my baby. Ever. My foot’s not broken – just badly bruised – but it’s not pretty.

3. I am thankful for friends who helped entertain my kids (and keep them from drowning) at the pool after the table-meets-foot incident. They kept me from having to also deal with a meltdown from having to cancel a promised, much-anticipated pool trip with friends.

4. We were looking forward to seeing M3 today, but found out we’re not going to be able to. Why do people have to get sick when other people depend on their schedules? It’s just not fair for anyone. And if I’m being completely honest, by “anyone,” I mean a certain 4 year-old boy and his parents, not the thousands of people who bought tickets to a concert that’s now being rescheduled. And no, I’m not feeling pouty or selfish at all, why do you ask?

5. Caedmon and I are going to attempt to make colored hair gel today. If you read this and have any thoughts like, “I did that once. DON’T DO IT!”, please email, call, or text me with great haste. I do not want to have blue or red hair for eternity.

6. We are really enjoying the new house. One of these days, I’ll have things picked up enough to take some pictures. But that day is not today. It’s the weekend. And we finally have some cloudy skies and rain. I have a feeling we’ll be turning this place into a disaster area over the next few days. But that’s really what I live for – hanging out with my family. Even when we’re messy.

7. Big Brother is back! Last night, Husband and I watched the premiere in real-time. We never watch TV in real-time anymore. But it was fun to be able to follow Twitter and text back and forth with Jill and Brandon while we watched it. Since we’ve watched it for so long, it just seems to make summer official. And there’s a camaraderie between Big Brother fans like no other show on TV. When you can mention Dr. Will, Mike “Boogie”, or Chill Town to someone and they either smile or scowl, you know you have a kindred spirit in reality TV. (I’d be smiling. They’re my all-time favorite players.)

8. Honor has some molars that are finally starting to bust through. It’s taken them a sweet forever. They need to hurry up and get in so she can eat the food she so desperately wants. And thinks she’s big enough to eat.

9. Caedmon’s birthday is next month. Usually, I’ve got a gift figured out by now. This year? Nope. I guess I’d also better get crackin’ on his cake/party ideas, too. Unlike last year, he didn’t plan his own party. I’m going to have to have a talk with that kid. It sure does make it easier when he knows what he wants a year in advance.

10. This coming week brings VBS, Dentist appointments for both kids, and a 15-month check-up for Honor. To say we’ll be busy might be an understatement. So I’m off to enjoy the suddenly un-scheduled weekend break. And the clouds. And maybe some rain.

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