Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Little Razorbacks

I bet you thought I forgot how to blog. I almost thought the same thing myself. But I’m sure by the end of this post, I’ll remember what I’m doing and you might wish I’d just stayed away. But hopefully not.

The kids and I got back a few days ago from a trip to our homeland. We had a great time seeing friends and family, and wish we could’ve seen more people and done more things. It’s always that way. But we got to be there for some special things, and I can’t wait to share all of it with you.

But first, I’m going to show you some pictures I took of the kids. They’re shamefully cute. I just can’t help it.

We wanted some pictures at the U of A, so to the stadium we went – with Trump’s extra pair of hands to help us. I couldn’t have done it without her!

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Our little Razorbacks in front of Old Main.

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Here’s how you call the Hogs, Little Sister!

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Time to get up and move around!

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And on the steps of Old Main.

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It was hard to keep Honor still!

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This is one of my favorites!

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Don’t be thinking that’s all the pictures I took. Oh, no. There are lots more to come. But I don’t want to overload you with cuteness, so we’ll break it up a bit. And I’ve got to tell all about our super fun trip, too!